Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan
Read the Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan (PDF) [4MB]
A Neighbourhood Plan is a statutory planning document setting out planning policies for the development and use of land. The Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan covers the full Ringwood Parish area with a particular focus on Ringwood town.
Notification of the making (adoption) of the Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan
In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), the Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan was 'made' (adopted) by New Forest District Council on 8 July 2024.
The local Ringwood community was asked whether they supported the neighbourhood plan, in a referendum on 4 July 2024. A majority (83.2%) of those voting in the referendum voted in favour of the Plan (on a turnout of 58.9%).
Now made (adopted), the Neighbourhood Plan forms part of the statutory development plan for Ringwood parish within New Forest District Council.
The Neighbourhood Plan joins the adopted New Forest District Local Plan Part 1: Planning Strategy (2020) and Part 2: Sites and Development Management (2014) as forming the main elements of the statutory development plan for the parish.
The Neighbourhood Plan and its policies will now be given full weight when assessing planning applications within the parish of Ringwood.
As the designated Neighbourhood Plan Area falls partly within the New Forest National Park, the New Forest National Park Authority (NPA) formally made (adopted) the Neighbourhood Plan for the part of the parish within its planning area on 25 July 2024.
The plan and accompanying documentation are available below.
Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan Notification Statement (PDF) [112KB]
Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan Referendum declaration of results of poll (PDF) [79KB]
Notice of Referendum (PDF) [51KB]
Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan Referendum Version May 2024 (PDF) [4MB]
High Resolution version of maps (PDF) [2MB]
Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan - NFDC Decision Statement_March 2024.pdf (PDF) [271KB]
Appendix A - Ringwood Strategic Masterplan (PDF) [10MB]
Appendix B - Ringwood Design Guidance and Codes (PDF) [57MB]
Appendix C - Ringwood Local Distinctiveness SPD (PDF) [16MB]
Information Statement for Voters Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan 2024 (PDF) [409KB]
Basic Conditions Statement (PDF) [247KB]
Consultation Statement (PDF) [22MB]
Complete consultation responses received
Ringwood Draft Neighbourhood Plan Examiners Report (PDF) [305KB]
Examiner procedural letter and questions (PDF) [214KB]
General Information Document on Town and Country Planning_Ringwood 2024 (PDF) [118KB]
Further information on the neighbourhood plan
The designation of Ringwood Parish as a neighbourhood area was confirmed by us on 3 February 2021.
Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan Application (PDF) [1MB]
Most of the parish in in the planning jurisdiction of New Forest District Council, except for areas to the east and south-east of the town that lie within the New Forest National Park Authority area (NFNPA). Both authorities have provided advice to the town council.
On 26 July 2023 the Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan (NPR) was approved for submission by Ringwood Town Council and in accordance with Regulation 16 of the Neighbourhood Planning Regulations a final period to comment on the Neighbourhood Plan period was carried out before both the Neighbourhood Plan and the representations made are considered by an independent examiner.
The 6 week period of consultation ended on 29 September 2023, views and comments were sought from both residents and interested stakeholders on the proposed plan. The representations received are available below and were considered by the independent examiner.
The Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan was submitted to an independent examiner (Mr David Hogger of Intelligent Plans and Examinations) on 21 November 2023.
The period for public examination of the plan has now been completed, and the Examiner has published a final report.
The report and the examiners original procedural letter and questions can be found above.
The Examiner's Report concludes that, subject to the modifications set out in his report, the draft Neighbourhood Plan meets the regulatory Basic Conditions.
The Examiner recommends that the Plan, once modified, should proceed to Referendum on the basis that it has met all the relevant legal requirements.
The Examiner also concluded that the Referendum area does not need to be extended beyond the designated area to which the Plan relates.
The Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan went to a public referendum on 4 July 2024, 83.2% of the ballots cast voted 'Yes' (on a turn out of 58.9%).
Following New Forest District Council meetings of Cabinet (1 May 2024) and Full Council (13 May 2024), the neighbourhood plan proceeded to a public referendum on 4 July 2024.
The local Ringwood community was asked whether they supported the neighbourhood plan. 83.2% of the ballots cast voted 'Yes' (on a turn out of 58.93%).
As the majority of those who voted (over 50%) were in favour of the draft neighbourhood plan, then the plan had to be 'made' (adopted) by both the New Forest District Council and the New Forest National Park Authority within 8 weeks of the referendum date.
In accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 (as amended), the Ringwood Neighbourhood Plan was 'made' (adopted) by New Forest District Council on 8 July 2024, and by the New Forest National Park Authority on 25 July 2024 for the part of the parish within the National Park Authority's planning jurisdiction.